*According to a study by the Narramore Christian Foundation
Fully Funded Academy is a trusted and proven training program to help Christian missionaries and ministry leaders raise more financial support.
Our hearts break whenever we think of this stat (from the Larramore Christian Foundation). More than ever, donors are distracted and preoccupied. How can missionaries and ministry leaders raise support and grow their donor base in an increasingly noisy world?
What is the ultimate impact of you not having the money to do what God has called you to? Getting by on partial support is suffocating for any missionary, campus minister, or ministry leader. So many are struggling because:
Having more support isn’t just for your own well-being or that of your family. Who will not hear the Gospel because you aren’t funded? What church or ministry will go unplanted? What campus, village, city, or nation will suffer because there wasn’t enough money to keep you on the field? You deserve trusted guides and a proven process to get you fully funded so you can focus on what really matters.
Fully Funded is a trove of proven strategies, templates, and tips that combine the expertise of a seasoned fundraiser, leading marketing strategist, and hundreds of real-world missionaries and ministry leaders.
Download the companion workbook so you get full access to the templates, scripts, and exercises to help you plan your support-raising strategy and get fully funded.
We’re a team that only God could have brought together! Both of our lives were significantly impacted by missions. While we were individually helping missionaries in our own way, everything changed when we met in 2017. We’ve been helping missionaries and ministry leaders raise support ever since.
Mary is a respected non-profit consultant with an incredible wealth of experience from working with ministry orgs like Chi Alpha as well as global nonprofits like The American Cancer Society and the Special Olympics. Mike is best-selling author and expert in branding and marketing – skills he’s used to help raise money for missionaries, church plants, and organizations like Catalyst and People of the Second Chance.
It’s not just the two of us – you’ll also learn from missionaries and nonprofit leaders who are on the frontlines of raising support every single day. We’ve seen what works (and what doesn’t) and we’re here to help you grow your donor base, stay “top of mind” with supporters, and build relationships in a biblical, God-honoring way that creates dependable, reliable support for your ministry.
Fully Funded Academy is a proven 7-part coaching and training program specifically designed for Christian missionaries so you can communicate with clarity, attract more (and bigger) donations, and enjoy sustainable and dependable financial support.
Fully Funded Academy has given thousands of missionaries a proven plan that has resulted in sustainable, dependable, and predictable support – and it can help you, too.
Each module consists of short video lessons. Downloadable audio, transcripts and summaries are also provided so that no matter how you like to learn, we have you covered.
Save hundreds of hours of writing by using our pre-written templates for support letters, weekly emails, newsletters, and even social media posts.
You get actionable and valuable strategies including How to Host a Fundraising Event, How to Ask for Referrals, and How to Write a Winning Support Letter.
Receive guidance that will accelerate your fundraising efforts. We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month to keep you on track, troubleshoot challenges, and maximize your success in real-time.
Fully Funded Academy is all about teaching you the mindset, strategy, and skills for raising support that will stick with you for a lifetime. We believe in a simple, actionable approach that makes raising support effective, life-giving, and even fun!
Our members range from missionaries eager to be on the field in the next few months to those who have been on the field for years. All have the same mission: to glorify God and make an impact where He’s sent them.
So, are you ready to step up into a bigger vision? Are you ready to start raising support, or growing your support base? Are you ready to step into everything that more financial stability would mean for you? Meet just a handful of the people who said, “Yes” –– and look what God has done!
“I’ve been a missionary for over twenty years. Mary Valloni and Mike Kim changed my life when they taught me the material in Fully Funded! I can say yes to so many things God gives me to do since I’m fully funded now. The relief from strain and the freedom to focus on ministry instead of fundraising—it’s priceless! I thank God for Mike and Mary every time I think of them.”
“This is it! Finally, someone (Mary and Mike) demystifies the outdated process of support raising and gives us all a straightforward path to follow, step by step. We wandered around the support-raising desert in circles for years before we found this and then within 90 days we were fully funded. We’re so glad we found Fully Funded Academy!“
“I’ve trained 1000+ missionaries in support raising. Mike and Mary say the quiet parts out loud. From developing marketing to working out the practicals, Fully Funded can guide a missionary through a process of success. Missions can be scary and support raising is the number one reason why many don’t make it to the field. This is the catalyst and difference-maker a new generation of pioneers need.”
“Thanks to Fully Funded, I’ve launched ten ministry sites and raised over $3.5 million. Their practical strategies and heartfelt encouragement were game-changers for me. Their guidance can transform your journey just like it did mine. I love their work, and I want everyone to experience the success that the Fully Funded brings!”
Raising long-term support requires a shift away from old habits. The old way of raising support means uncomfortable face-to-face meetings, paper newsletters, tons of phone calls, or speaking at churches and hoping people give.
While there’s still a place for that, your donors are living in a modern world and all the distractions and noise that come with it. But chasing donations and hoping one-time donors become monthly supporters is stressful and unpredictable.
At Fully Funded Academy, we’ve seen support levels soar for our members. By embracing these proven and simple fundraising techniques, you’ll find yourself not just meeting, but often exceeding your financial goals. Our approach is designed to turn traditional fundraising on its head, making it easier, more effective, and a lot less stressful.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to boost your existing support, we’re here to ensure that financial hurdles never hold you back from making the impact you’re called to.
*Monthly membership options are available, as well.
If you’ve read this far, we know that you’re serious. But there could be a few questions running through your mind such as:
The principles we’ll teach you apply to any and every missionary who needs to raise support. That may sound like a broad answer, but think about the context: in years of working with missionaries, we’ve yet to meet a single one who said they have “enough” support-even if they’re fully funded.
There are always other projects missionaries want to fund: to build churches, hire team members, purchase books and resources, or provide for felt needs like food, water, and clothing.
That’s why we’ve been able to help missionaries regardless of what stage they are in: aspiring missionaries who have yet to raise a single dollar, 20-somethings who “give a year to pray about a lifetime” in missions, and career missionaries who have spent years or ever decades in the field.
Raising support in today’s world means that you must be able to communicate to today’s donors. These folks need to be contacted in a way that is natural to them. That’s why our framework will help you no matter what: we’re bringing you best practices in fundraising.
Absolutely. In fact, some of our most successful students work in closed regions through East Asia and the Middle East. They’ve experienced tremendous success because our methods aren’t based on just using the internet like websites and social media, though you’ll certainly learn how to leverage those if you’d like.
If you read the section above, you’ll see that the strategies we’re teaching you are all about clarasdfifying your message and getting the right people around you who can rally others to your cause. If you work in a closed nation, you’ve already seen this phenomenon in effect: it’s why you can secure preaching engagements and face-to-face meetings already, even if you’re not broadcasting what you do on a website.
We’re going to show you how to leverage your current donor base even more, and strategically build a team around you that can help. Even Moses had Aaron hold up his arms – and we’re going to help you find others who will do the same for you. You are not alone.
The last thing we all want is something else on our to-do list. That’s where Fully Funded Academy is unique. With years of experience helping thousands of missionaries who serve in different environments, we know what works — and we’re only sharing the best, most efficient approaches.
In fact, we think you’ll be surprised at how simple some of the strategies are. Success is sequential, not simultaneous. If you just do things in the right order, you’ll see results — and that’s exactly what we’re going to show you.
That’s why the entire program has been intentionally structured to help you absorb the content and get your fundraising efforts optimized, fast.
This is the only membership that is based on years of best practices from fundraising for thousands of missionaries, ministries, and non-profits in a way that factors in best-practices from professional fundraising for large charities as well as best-practices in current-day marketing.
Your donors are bombarded with noise every day-social media, email, news, the list goes on and on. We’ve crafted and honed a proven framework to help you do more than just cut through the noise. We’ve created a framework that helps you, step-by-step, put together an intentional and practical fundraising plan, year round.
This isn’t based off a one-time success. It’s the accumulation of strategies, from hundreds of different people, all distilled down into a blueprint for recurring success. You don’t have to experiment to hopefully find something that works. Just follow the blueprint. It’s been proven to work over and over again.
And don’t forget, we’ve been doing this for private clients for years, and every single month we are personally coaching and advising other high level organizations on how to clarify their message and raise money.
Neither do we! That’s why the strategy that is outlined in Fully Funded Academy is designed to help you create high value content in a super efficient way.
Following our framework, you can design an approach where you can create a year-round fundraising strategy in less than 3 hours a MONTH. You’ll be able to customize your approach based on times of the year, including year-end support in the winter as well as your travel plans for furlough.
The good news is that the technology options available today make this a LOT easier. In fact, inside Fully Funded Academy we have an entire “tech vault” containing tutorials for a wide variety of platforms.
No matter what option is right for you and the way you best communicate with your donors, you’ll have our full support when it comes to your questions about websites, photos, email options, donation platforms, and more.
Great! That’s actually a really good sign. Here’s why … a lot of noise creates confusion and overwhelm. People don’t know what to do or who to pay attention to. Today more than ever, people don’t want “more stuff”. They want clarity and direction.
We’ll walk you through the most effective way to bring clarity to potential donors so they see why they should support your cause. When you do, you’ll stand out like a beacon of light. When everything else is overwhelming, you’ll be cutting through the noise with clarity, confidence and momentum.
The easiest thing to do is look at what we DON’T have rather than what we DO have. Sure, it can feel like our support has dried up, or our donors are distracted and overwhelmed — but the reality is that there are way more out there.
We’re going to show you how to reconnect with your current and past supporters in a fresh way that helps you build a team and tribe of supporters. These aren’t just people who are willing to support you financially or in prayer, but people who want to get word out about you.
Yes, you’re a child of God called to a unique assignment. The journey requires faith-but that doesn’t mean you can’t (or shouldn’t) have a plan. We’re going to show you, using our area of expertise, how to get in front of the right people that will support your cause.
A smaller ministry is actually a real advantage. Why? Because you’ll see much higher response. The fact is that a smaller ministry has a far better relationship with their donor list. If you feel you’re a smaller ministry, realize that you know your donors in a much more intimate way—and they’ll know you, too.
Plus, in Fully Funded Academy you’ll have access to the list building strategies that we’ve found to be the most effective in growing a donor base.
There is no way we can promise any specific amount. In fact, it would be outright irresponsible of us for even trying. Here’s why… you and everyone else registering for Fully Funded Academy are going to be serving completely different regions, and thus contacting completely different potential donors.
Combine that with the fact that we have no idea what your skill level is like or what experience you have. So there are a lot of variables. Here’s what we do know…
Being fully funded means you have breathing room, the margin to dream, and the ability to fully focus on what matters. Let’s get started today.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to boost your existing support, we’re here to ensure that financial hurdles never hold you back from making the impact you’re called to.
*According to a study by the Narramore Christian Foundation